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What is the chance of making a new element from scratch?

 The creation of a new element from scratch requires a highly complex and specialized process called nuclear synthesis. It involves manipulating atomic nuclei to create a new element that does not naturally exist in nature. The chance of success depends on many factors, including the methods used and the specific elements being combined, but it is generally considered a difficult and challenging task that requires significant resources and expertise.
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How are copper, bronze and iron smelted?

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Can boron be used to protect the wall of the treatment room against neutrons?

  Yes, boron can be used to protect the walls of a treatment room against neutrons. Boron is a chemical element that has the ability to absorb neutrons, which makes it useful as a radiation shielding material. Boron is commonly used in the form of borated polyethylene, which is a type of plastic that contains boron atoms. This material is used to shield rooms and equipment in nuclear facilities, as well as in medical facilities for radiation therapy. The effectiveness of boron as a shielding material depends on the density and thickness of the borated material used. If you have any questions, you let me know in the comment box..

Can titanium and tungsten be combined into one alloy?

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What is liquid-liquid partitioning?

Liquid-liquid partitioning, also known as liquid-liquid extraction, is a method used to separate and purify compounds in a mixture. It is based on the principle that different compounds have different solubilities in different liquids. In liquid-liquid partitioning, a mixture of compounds is added to a separating funnel or a centrifugal partition chromatographer (CPC) containing two immiscible liquids, called the solvent and the extractant. The different compounds in the mixture will partition themselves between the two liquids based on their solubility, so that one liquid will contain more of certain compounds than the other. The two liquids can then be physically separated and the different compounds can be collected from each liquid. This process can be repeated multiple times to further purify the compounds.

What kind of chromatography column can be recoiled?

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